Here are AIS Ltd., we supply a range of Omron Microscan barcode verifiers. Their products are GS1 Certified and strictly compliant with ISO/CEN/ANSI barcode quality.
If you are planning on buying a barcode verifier, there are a number of questions that you will need to answer before making your purchase.
If you are looking to invest in a barcode scanner, it is important to understand the different terms and classifications they fall under. Barcode scanners are categorised by their scanning capabilities.
In today’s post our experts have put together their top 5 tips for choosing the right barcode scanner. This can be tricky as there are so many different devices available on the market today.
The best handheld barcode scanner is the one that will suit all your company needs and pair with all your asset tracking systems. In this post we want to help you identify the features and capabilities your handheld barcode scanner should have.
The best barcode label printer for high volume needs comes from Zebra and the Zebra ZD420 is perfect for small businesses with high volume barcode printing needs.
Knowing how to properly clean your thermal label printer is important and has many benefits too.
If you are looking at purchasing continuous inkjet printers, there are some important questions that you will need to ask. Our expert team have put together a list of 8 questions that all buyers should ask before they decide on the printer they wish to purchase.
In today’s post we are looking at choosing the right barcode scanner for your business. As you are probably already aware, barcodes are used as a way to identify a product or item by a number. This number is usually 11 or 12 digits.
In today’s post we are going to talk about the barcode verifier, what it is and how it can benefit your business.
If you run a competitive business, it’s important that you are making use of the right tools. A barcode scanner is one of these and in today’s post we are going to talk about 10 top benefits using a barcode scanner can have for your business.
Here at AIS Ltd, we offer a variety of Zebra label printers to fit all your daily printing requirements and labelling budgets. Our Zebra printers come with excellent support and warranties and you can choose from a wide variety of options.
In today’s post, our experts are looking at Cab label printers. Different printers offer different capabilities and printing technologies and there are four different types of print technologies available in the printing of barcode labels.
Machine vision systems are amazing and they have the potential to transform your production system not only with increased throughput, but in quality and productivity too.
In today’s post we are looking at the importance of barcode verification and why you might need to purchase a barcode verifier. We offer a range of Omron Microscan verifiers to suit all Barcode verification needs.